Movement Program
Ninjas and acrobats, let the show begin!
Green Mountain Adaptive Sports offers scholarships to Vermont youth and adults with a disability wishing to participate in the Movement Program at Elevate Movement Collective in Stowe.
Elevate Movement Collective is a multi-sport athletics and acrobatics training facility. Their mission is to promote health and wellness through recreation, community, and physical education. The program offered to GMAS athletes encompasses long-term athlete development models using diverse training to practice agility, balance, coordination, strength, flexibility, and endurance. GMAS athletes will practice progression taught by professionally trained coaches.
What to expect
After submitting your application, the GMAS’s scholarship committee will review your application, and contact eligible athletes to schedule a one-hour visit of the facility, and a screening with the coaches to assess strengths, needs, challenges, and goals. Athletes will be asked to come dressed in athletic gear and be ready to try some of the equipment.
Once the athlete has been fully evaluated by the coaches, and deemed eligible for this program, he or she will be awarded a GMAS scholarship to participate in 2-5 classes. Coaches from Elevate Collective Movement will design an individual program to suit the athlete’s needs with a focus on providing a safe environment where the athlete can thrive, gaining confidence and skills to master the climbing wall, Parkour, obstacle courses, and perhaps even…the trampolines.
All applicants must fill the release of liability prior to visit and assessment using this form.
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