Inspire to dream big.
Green Mountain Adaptive Sports believes in the power of sports to change lives. We have partnered with four different pools in Vermont to offer swim lessons to Vermont youth and adults with disabilities. The program focuses on providing acclimation to the aquatic environment, stroke work, and competition swimming.
Choose the pool that is most convenient for you and your family, and apply for a scholarship consisting of 5 lessons.
The Greater Burlington YMCA
The Upper Valley Aquatics Center in White River Junction
The Green Mountain Community Fitness in Berlin **
The Swimming Hole in Stowe.
Our adaptive swim coaches have completed our trainings and background checks, and many are certified with Angelfish. We are looking forward to working with athletes of all ages and ability.
If you are interested in becoming an adaptive aquatics instructor, or would like to further your existing certifications, GMAS has grants available to help cover some of the costs associated with various trainings and workshops. Read more and apply here.
** Adaptive swim lessons at the Aquatics area at GMCF in Barre will start again in September 2024.
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Aquatic Scholarship Application 2024
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