Looking for something to do that will lift your spirits? Come join our team of volunteers who help us fulfill our mission. GMAS has no paid staff, so there are opportunities that range from pitching in to organize and / or present a fundraiser to keeping our books to...
This post was written in 2018 by Mary Anne Lewis who owns and runs the Brass Lantern Inn with her husband George in Stowe, Vermont. Over the past few years, their son Patrick has been a GMAS scholarship recipient. He has participated in GMAS’ skiing, aquatics,...
The GMAS Board of Directors unanimously approved the Athlete Protection Policy at its May Board meeting. The Athlete Protection Policy (APP) is designed to provide clear guidance to all our participants regarding identification and prevention of sexual abuse and...
If you ever wondered what it feels like to be on the autism spectrum, here is a compelling revelation from David D’Muhala. I met David when he was three years old. He did not speak and we did not know how he felt or what he was thinking. It was evident that he was...
June 10, 2020, Stowe, VT. – We know that many of you have been affected by the last three months of lock down in response to the Covid-19 epidemic caused by a novel corona virus. We also know how important sports and recreation are in your lives, and we are as...